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Posted by Zohra de At Zohra's on


Hello to all my beautiful Community,

I hope you are in great shape and that those around you are doing well.

I am happy to be among you to share my philosophy and the transmissions received from my cultural heritage. But before going any further, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jean Pélissier for all the enriching moments he offered us during his last internship in Paris. This training on Emotion Management and the health crisis comforted me and taught me a lot. I had several clicks and I am delighted to feel so good in “my sneakers”.

What makes us happy today? Without any pretension, I would simply like to bring you some ideas that could help you brighten up your daily life. Time passes so quickly... What could lead you to consciousness to feel fulfilled?

    • Trust your body,

    • To maintain a natural balance, you need to sleep on average between 6 and 8 hours. Sleep is the natural factor that allows us to recover,

    • Breathing in full consciousness is the most important act of life,

    • Take a walk for 10 to 30 minutes a day,

    • Take the time to meditate, 5 to 10 minutes a day,

    • When you wake up, become aware and have gratitude for this new day,

    • Favor “real cooking” and ban processed foods; remember to chew well. Drink water, infusions, tea,

    • Smile, it’s an excellent antidepressant!

    • Stay away from toxic people and focus on the present moment,

    • Life isn't necessarily fair but it's still beautiful!

    • Don't hold onto resentment, learn to forgive because it frees you!

    • No one is responsible for your Happiness except yourself. Take care of yourself !

    • If you can, help your neighbor,

    • After rain the good weather,

    • Cultivate the good side of things, positive thoughts attract positivity.

I hope I gave you a positive note.

And you, how do you brighten your daily life? How do you cultivate your Happiness? Tell me everything in the comments.

As the end-of-year holidays approach, I invite you to consult the site to find gift ideas that will be unanimously appreciated by those around you. I offer you Well-being boxes with Hammam rituals, boxes of natural plants .
At Zohra's is on a human scale, the offers are limited, hurry up and take advantage of them!

I am of course available to listen to you if you would like further details.

Kind regards,


Cover photo credit: Bogdan Todoran on Unsplash

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  • bonjour !
    Et je viens confirmer votre attitude très belle face à la vie. C’est en ces moments de sidération qu’il est bon de voir le bon coté des choses et ainsi de montrer aux effrayés qu’il y a des moyens pour vivre heureux.
    Pour ma part je partage avec mes proches ses propos quotidiens:
    Au réveil, remercier pour cette nouvelle et belle journée qui commence,
    Apprécier la « vraie cuisine » et bien mastiquer.
    Sourire, c’est le seul réel antidépresseur
    Vivre intensément l’instant présent
    Apprendre et pratiquer le pardon ( ce qui n’est pas donner son accord ! ) pour vous libèrer

    et OK avec vous, la vie n’est pas forcément juste mais elle reste belle !
    Il est bon d’informer les autres mais il est bon aussi de proposer des “portes de secours”
    Bonne continuation
    Jacques D
    Mon site : “”

    Jacques D on

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