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3 good reasons to buy from us:
- We favor 100% natural products
- The manufacturing of our products is artisanal
- Zohra selects its products for their quality
- Calming against gastric disorders linked to stress, anxiety, nervousness. - Facilitates digestion. - Fight against fever thanks to its anti-pyretic properties. - Relieves spasms. - Effective against insect bites, bruises, chapped skin, cracks. - Anti-inflammatory properties, relieves rheumatism. - Treats gastrointestinal disorders. - Sedative effect, helps you fall asleep. - Has a powerful anti-oxidant that helps prevent cell aging.
NOTE : all the plants offered are designed to provide relief but are not intended to replace medications. Please consult a doctor if the problem persists.
Date of packaging: see label
Expiry date: see label
Weight: approximately 25g